Sunday, March 11, 2012

Joy filled life

True contentment and joy don't come by accident and they don't depend on our daily circumstances. I would love to share about my joy filled life in the midst of roller-coaster circumstances. I'm hoping this blog will encourage someone, as we all need encouragement from day to day! There is so much negativity that can fill our days, that I would like to focus on the positive with the joy that comes from the LORD. The joy of the Lord is my strength! I cannot muster up 24 hour a day happiness and contentment on my own. I must look to the Lord daily to help me in my weaknesses and find strength and contentment in Him. I have joy in knowing that He is in control no matter what my circumstances are today.
The other day I was thinking....dangerous I know....that instead of focusing on what we don't have in life or on our difficulties from day to day....why not focus on the blessings that we do have and thank God for them? Why not be thankful for the things that we haven't been plagued with and haven't had to suffer through, instead of always wanting something more or different? I've found that when I have a grateful heart, my outlook on the world changes. Everything seems a little better, even when circumstances are at their worst.
I challenge you to focus on what you've been blessed with today and trust the Lord to take care of the circumstances in your life that weigh heavy on your heart. When we can truly trust Jesus to carry our burdens, is when we find true joy and peace.